songs & chants

14.09.2014 17:36

V hodinách angličtiny se učíme v tématických okruzích a pomáhá nám žabička "Mr. Froggie" a učíme se s ním spoustu písniček. Některé jsou k nalezení na webu youtube. 

Zde naleznete odkazy na písničky a říkadla, aby si i děti doma mohli zazpívat a zopakovat slovní zásobu, kterou naleznete také v týdenních plánech. 

Jazyk se učíme pouze nápodobou a opakováním slovíček a frází.



téma: "COLOURS" 

(red, blue, yellow, green, orange, pink, purple, brown, black, white, grey)

Learn colors (youtube chant), Color song for children (youtube song)

 další písnička 

další písnička o barvách:





song  "Counting fruits"

opakuji si barvy, pojmenuji druh ovoce a popíšu jakou má barvu

"This is plum. Plum is purple"

"How many plums have you got?" ... "I have got 3 plums."



téma: "SHAPES" + counting

(circle, square, triangle, rectangle, star, diamond, oval, heart)

song "Shapes Song 2"

- učíme se slovní zásobu TVARY: poznám 

kruh,čtverec,trojúhelník,obdélník,hvězdu,kosočtverec (diamant),ovál,srdce

- když slyším slovo, správně ukážu geometrický tvar

"What color has circle?" ... "Circle is red." 

"This is thiangle."        "Triangle is green."

"How many stats have you got?" ... " I have got 4 stars."

"How many stars is there? " ... " There is 4 stars."



téma: "CLOTHES" 


slovní zásoba: (coat, shirt, t-shirt, skirt, boots, mittens, shoes, socks, rain boots, earmuffs, underpants, hat)

song: My Clothes Part1

The coat is green. The skirt is blue



slovní zásova: (cap, jacket, scarf, sweter, glasses, pyjamas, gloves, pants,jeans, shorts, dress, swimsuite)

song: My Clothes Part2


téma: "BODY PARTS" 

part 1: (head, face, ears, teeth, tongue, chin, hair, eyes, mouth, nose, cheeks, neck)

song "Learn Body Parts! 1"


Shake my head. Brush my hair. Wash my face. Shut my eyes. 

Wiggle my ears. Blow my nose. Puff my cheeks. Open my mouth. 

Brush my teeth. Stick out my tongue. Tickle my chin. Bend my neck. 



part 2: (shoulders, belly, back, arms, elbow, hand, fingers, legs, knees, feet, toes, butt)

song "Learn Body Parts! 2"



Shrug my shoulders. Tickle my belly. Scratch my back. Wave my arm. 

Bend my elbow. Clap my hand. Wiggle my fingers. Pat my leg. 

Bend my knees. Stomp my feet. Wiggle my toes. Sit on my butt.


FINGERS ( prsty)

song „Where is thumbkin“



téma: "WINTER" 

(snow, snowman, snowball, snowflake, sledding, skiing, skating)

song "Fun Winter Song"



I go skiing. I go skating. I go sledding. I built a showman. I make a snowball.



 téma: WEATHER 

(sunny, rainy....)

song "How's the Weather?"

song 2 "How's the Weather?


It is sunny today. It is cloudy. It is snowy. .....





téma: "FOOD" 

song: Do you like?



song "Spring is here"

téma FUN TIME a písnička




(car,truck,bus,motorcacle,train,boat,airplane,helicopter,ambulance,police car, fire truck, banana car)


"What do you see? song" -

"Transportations names and sounds"  -

"Wheels on the bus" -


I see helicopter. I see boat on the water.

There are 2 cars. Two cars on the road.



We All Go Traveling By




words: cow, dog, duck, horse, pig, sheep, gout, chicken...



Fun Animals Song! | Walk Around the Farm

Learn to count with Number Farm

Old MacDonald Had a Farm



téma: "ZOO animals" 

(giraffe,hipo, lion, tyger,zebra,crocodile,monkey,snake)

Learn animals in the zoo - song Let's go to the zoo (youtube) 

song Who is in the ZOO  (youtube)


téma: "FEELINGS" 

(happy,said,tired,sleepy, )